Blog Post 7: Nostalgia, a sentimental longing for the past and our departed loved ones

I have chosen the title ‘Nostalgia, a sentimental longing for the past and our loved ones’, and will work on capturing a series of images showing a subject, looking back at the past with their deceased loved ones. Each image will contain personal belonging/s of the loved one and a photo or framed photo, preferably in a room or a place that they relate to sharing with this person.

I intend on presenting the images as a panel, with the main image being eye level to the audience, to connect and have a closer feel.

For this project, I will contact six subjects of different  age groups and gender, in order to have a range of expressions. The subjects will be instructed to choose a location and bring something that reminds them of their lost relatives, and a photo of them.



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Blog Post 6: Idea 1 – Nostalgia & Grief
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